40-Day Prayer Journey
It is an honor and a privilege to invite you to join all U.S. Navigators on a 40-Day Prayer Journey of seeking God together, September 30 – November 8, leading up to our National Staff Gathering. The heartbeat of this journey is to prepare our hearts for NSG23, happening in Irving, Texas this upcoming November 9-12, 2023.
Our desire is to prepare the tent for our journey together that will enable us to carry the very presence of God on our journey together, much like the nation of Israel in the Old Testament. We sense an invitation from God to receive a fresh filling of His presence.
This bedouin image captures the idea so beautifully!

Today, we are the dwelling place of Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit. We collectively are His temple, His tent of meeting. And as we enter this 40-Day Prayer Journey together, may our great God and Father draw us into the innermost chamber with the fullest experience of His presence.
On each day of the 40-Day Prayer Journey, you will receive an email to guide you through a brief time of prayer and praise. If you have registered for NSG23, you will automatically receive this email. If you are not subscribed but would like to be a part of this journey, you may subscribe below.
Together, we will focus on God, expressing our hunger and thirst for more of God Himself, much like David in Psalm 63:1, “O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, in a dry and weary land where there is no water” (NASB 1995). This is our ultimate prayer request— for more of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We will begin with a “one-request zone” as expressed in Psalm 27:4:
One thing I have asked from the LORD,
that I shall seek:
That I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
To behold the beauty of the LORD
And to meditate in His temple. (NASB)
As we begin our 40-Day Prayer Journey, let’s seek God’s presence as never before. Let’s be like Jacob, who said, “I will not let you go unless you bless me” (Genesis 32:26 NASB 1995). May His presence become as real to us as He desires it to be! Trust Him to take you to a deeper place of experiencing His presence.
We look forward to journeying with you,
Vic Black, on behalf of Marvin Campbell and the National Leadership Team
P.S. This 40-Day Prayer Journey for NSG23 contains material that was used in 2021 for The U.S. Navigators Selection Council 40-Day Prayer Journey. Many staff felt this journey prepared our hearts well then, and we pray it will prepare us now as we focus on gathering at NSG23.
Day 1: Enter His Gates
Day 2: Enjoy Your Shepherd
Day 3: Take a Drink
Day 4: Taste the Glory
Day 5: Savor the Bread
Day 6: Enter His Joy
Day 7: Experience His Smile
Day 8: A Door Standing Open
Day 9: A Sanctuary
Day 10: An Oasis
Day 11: A Suitcase
Day 12: A Treasure Hunt
Day 13: A Quiet Path
Day 14: A Meal
Day 15: On Our Faces
Day 16: Facing the Throne
Day 17: Extending Our Empty Hands
Day 18: Renouncing Our Pride
Day 19: Coming Into the Light
Day 20: Inviting a Search
Day 21: Facing Our Impact on God
Day 22: Words and Worship to Oneness
Day 23: A Tower Built by God
Day 24: Fasting Together
Day 25: We Are All the Prodigal
Day 26: Beyond the Veil
Day 27: Abide in Me
Day 28: Unity With God
Day 29: Fill Us
Day 30: Unity With One Another
Day 31: Quenching the Holy Spirit
Day 32: Confronting Our Pride
Day 33: Control Prompted by Fear
Day 34: The Debt of Love
Day 35: Humbling Ourselves
Day 36: I Am the Bread of Life
Day 37: I Am the Light of the World
Day 38: I Am the Resurrection and the Life
Day 39: In Step With the Spirit
Day 40: Entering the Fellowship