
Saturday, November 11, 11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Friday, November 10, 11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

The Art of Friendship Evangelism Among the Unchurched
Chris Segrest and Anne Cregger (D4L)
Gospel conversations can be very challenging among this current secular population. In this workshop, we will discuss everyday practices that lead to genuine friendships and spiritual conversations that don’t feel forced to those with low interest in the Church. Using “The Nine Spiritual Arts” by Crilly and Schaffer, we will build upon our own Jesus love story to learn how God uses our weaknesses as strengths, showing our brokenness and the power of His irresistible grace toward us. This art does not produce copy-paste formulae. Rather, it inspires spontaneous, unrehearsed, natural conversations among our not-yet-believing friends.

Come and See: Cultivating Biblical Curiosity in a Secular Age
Stowe Campbell (TDC) and Connally Gilliam (D4L)
For multiple reasons, Biblical literacy is at an all-time low in Western culture! Many people just do not believe they need what the Bible offers. How can we instill and cultivate a curiosity toward God’s Word among believers and non-believers alike? This workshop looks to address these issues and offer some tactics to help you re-engage others with the wealth of Scripture.

Developing Diverse Teams
Jen Kelsey and Jared Stevenson (D4L)
The call to make disciples does not change, but culturally our cities are changing. Come hear compelling vision, data, and stories that will encourage you to build strategically diverse teams that will advance the Gospel of Jesus and His Kingdom into the nations through spiritual generations of laborers from all walks of life who live and disciple among the lost.

Empowering Next-Generation Disciplemakers [also on Saturday]
Al Miyashita (D4L) and John Starke (TDC)
The next generation of disciplemakers are digital natives. To help them into their journey of Life-to-Life disciplemaking, the wise use of technology can actually equip, not harm, their partnership with Jesus in the Great Commission. This hands-on workshop will explore how digital tools can protect focus on God and people while also bringing powerful simplicity to the process of investing in others.

Empowering Ordinary People To Make Disciples for a Lifetime Through God’s Love
Tim Chou and Thomas Baker (D4L)
What do disciplemakers think when we say to make disciples “next door to everywhere?” We need strong coaching for staff to empower non-staffed everyday disciplemakers to make disciples where they live, work, play, etc. This workshop will discuss the equipping and training of non-staff to make disciples that ultimately leads to a movement of the gospel and fulfillment of the Navigator vision of 1,000,000 disciplemakers.

Four Keys to Generational Growth of the Gospel [also on Saturday]
Eddie Broussard (International Office) and Deborah Proctor (COLL)
Would you like to take a fresh look at four keys to healthy, generational growth of the gospel? This two-part workshop will dive into Scripture and highlight practical ministry experience in the four key contributions of gospel advancement: Pioneering Teams, Local Laborers, Local Leaders, and Mobile Alongsiders. This workshop will leave us with a clearer Biblical framework of these four contributions and bring wisdom and health to your gospel ministry movements at all levels.

The Gift of Presence
Sean McKelvey and Aimee Hodges (TDC)
The way we show up in our daily conversations is the most important aspect of relationships. We can offer those we disciple, mentor, coach, and care for an incredible gift—our presence! This is a gift we can continue to give over and over again. This workshop will explore key aspects of honoring others with the gift of your presence, including self-awareness, partnering with the Holy Spirit, intentional listening, and emotional awareness.

Greater Things Than These: Why Making Individual Disciples Will Never Reach the World
Justin Gravitt (D4L), Gina Holm (TDC), and Steve Tice (D4L)
What if the vision of, “Where’s your man and multiply,” is too small to reach the world, the city, the base, or even the campus? Jesus’ model throughout history has proven that individual, disconnected disciples do not make movements—networks do. In this workshop, we will learn how to build a disciplemaking network that helps close the gap between our ministry and lasting world change. This workshop will greatly benefit city leaders, base leaders, and campus directors.

Hope for the Sexually Broken [also on Saturday]
Buck Wilson and Beckie Wiegel (SHAW)
How does a good disciplemaker discuss sexuality? How do we become good news in such a broken place of our culture? How do we create a place for restoration and hope? Join us to learn how to initiate and lead very practical conversations about sexual topics like porn, fantasy, etc. We hope this workshop offers you a biblical foundation to empower you to include this key area in your discipleship or to know how to refer someone in need to specialized counsel.

Leading With a Developmental Mindset
Tammy Murden and Andrew Duran (TDC)
As disciplemakers, we are called to develop others in their faith. As leaders, we are called to develop others in their capacity. In The Navigators, we tend to be good at the first, yet miss the second. Join us as we dive deep into the responsibility to develop those you lead and bring this idea from the Scriptures into our mindset in leading others.

Multiplying Everyday Disciplemakers by Changing a Picture – A Proven Tool for Equipping Disciplemakers
Bill Mowry and Vicki Gatchell
Disciplemaking is a daunting task for most believers. Several pictures hang in their minds’ galleries, preventing them from engaging in the Great Commission. They often feel inadequate and ill-prepared. When disciplemaking is considered, people expect the paid professionals to do it (like Navigator staff!), and that it’s too complicated for them to try. Let’s take down these pictures and hang a new one in people’s minds by using a proven disciplemaking tool, The Ways of the Alongsider.

Next-Level Presenting
Sarah B. (TDC) and Taylor Scott (COLL)
Our Kingdom work often involves the joy of teaching, facilitating, and presenting information to fulfill our Calling and advance the gospel. So why don’t we get better at it? In this workshop, we’ll “level up” our presenting skills by exploring adult learning theory and practice teaching content in a way that’s memorable, fresh, and transformative for your audience.

Overflow: Practicing Prayer as You Go
Lyndi Markus and Janine Young (TDC)
Our connection with God through prayer can feel hard to maintain in the dizzying and hectic lives that we live. How can we stay purposefully afloat in God’s calming current amid the raging rapids of daily life? Join us to discover three prayer practices you can do anywhere to deepen your daily experience of God: breath prayer, palms-up/palms-down, and examen prayer.

Overflow: Praying the Scriptures With Lectio Divina
Jo Newell (TDC)
Lectio Divina (or sacred reading) is an ancient practice for prayerfully engaging with God’s Word. Unlike the more analytical but equally important discipline of Bible study, Lectio Divina seeks not to help us master the Word, but to let it master us. This workshop will provide a reflective four-step process, where we place ourselves in God’s presence and listen for His personal word for us. Through Lectio Divina, we experience intimate communion with God and deep transformation into the image of Jesus.

Permission To Try Something New
Katie H. and Alicia W. (Nations Within)
Our Navigators Detroit ministry team will share how their prayer, partnership, and perseverance lead to creative, exciting ways of engaging their local communities with the gospel. This workshop will explore how following the Holy Spirit and individual passions meet community needs through missional enterprises, housing initiatives, and community resourcing and development. Come learn from their messy journey, ponder the unexpected places Jesus is already working in your neighborhood, and be inspired to have permission to try something new.

Prayer: Engaging in the Reality That We Are in the Presence of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Always [also on Saturday]
Vic Black
The more comprehensive truth is that this is much more than prayer. It is a lifestyle. We can live like we are actually always in God’s presence. We do not always operate with an awareness and connectedness to the truth and reality that we are constantly in the presence of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. If prayer can begin with us adjusting ourselves to this reality, our prayers can change dramatically. In prayer, we can focus on God and have a conversation from that point of view. Once we get our focus off ourselves and our issues, we can see more clearly with a true focus on God, Himself. We will “explore” some of the prayer mysteries that unlock a deeper relationship with God.

Propel Your Staff Recruiting
Loyce Nelson and Mike Jordahl
Are the people we invest in excited at the prospect of making disciples as a career with The Navigators? This workshop will explore skills to help us grow in identifying and inviting gifted, called, and diverse people to joyfully join our Navigator staff.

Saturday, November 11, 11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

The Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback
Tammy Murden and Mark Rood (TDC)
Feedback is a gift to be given and received with care. This workshop will invite you into the power of creating a culture of feedback in your ministry context. A simple, yet impactful, feedback recipe will be discussed and practiced during this workshop.

Culturally-Informed Discipleship: A Journey of Spirit-Led Transformation
TDC Cultural Journey Team
Have you ever sat across a table from someone with whom you have nothing in common? Are you confident in sharing the gospel with someone with a worldview that operates totally differently from your own? Ethnicity and culture play a huge role in how the people we are discipling perceive the message we are communicating. This workshop will challenge you to consider the impact of culture and race on your disciplemaking.

Empowering Next-Generation Disciplemakers [also on Friday]
Al Miyashita (D4L) and John Starke (TDC)
The next generation of disciplemakers are digital natives. To help them into their journey of Life-to-Life disciplemaking, the wise use of technology can actually equip, not harm, their partnership with Jesus in the Great Commission. This hands-on workshop will explore how digital tools can protect focus on God and people while also bringing powerful simplicity to the process of investing in others.

Four Keys to Generational Growth of the Gospel [also on Friday]
Eddie Broussard (International Office) and Deborah Proctor (COLL)
Would you like to take a fresh look at four keys to healthy, generational growth of the gospel? This two-part workshop will dive into Scripture and highlight practical ministry experience in the four key contributions of gospel advancement: Pioneering Teams, Local Laborers, Local Leaders, and Mobile Alongsiders. This workshop will leave us with a clearer Biblical framework of these four contributions and bring wisdom and health to your gospel ministry movements at all levels.

Gen Z—Disciplemaking and Evangelism in the Next Generation
Carolyn Kellam (MPD) and Cassie Thornburg (iEDGE)
God is a God of generations, and He comes to make Himself known to each generation. We will look at trends of some of the core values, beliefs, and attitudes that Gen Z holds, how the gospel speaks to them, and how to walk alongside them to build resilient disciples. We believe God has things to say to them and bring to us through them, and we want to be followers of Christ who bring the ancient sacred path into the new to minister and raise up the next generation of the Kingdom. Because the gospel is good news, even to a generation who may not know it.

Hope for the Sexually Broken [also on Friday]
Buck Wilson and Beckie Wiegel (SHAW)
How does a good disciplemaker discuss sexuality? How do we become good news in such a broken place of our culture? How do we create a place for restoration and hope? Join us to learn how to initiate and lead very practical conversations about sexual topics like porn, fantasy, etc. We hope this workshop offers you a biblical foundation to empower you to include this key area in your discipleship or to know how to refer someone in need to specialized counsel.

How to Have a Healthy, Effective, and Gospel-Centered Team
Ellen Susman and Sheri Underwood (TDC)
Never google “team-building activities” again! This workshop will let you experience our new Navigator teaming resource firsthand. You will gain access to over 100 piloted activities that you can use with your team. Whether you are looking for team-building activities or guidance on being a good team leader or member, we have resources for you.

Leading From the Scriptures: Allowing the Word to Flow in and Through Our Leadership
Patriece Johnson (D4L) and Andrew Gauggel (Collegiate)
Does it feel like the world around you is growing cold and unenthusiastic to open and engage the Scriptures? As ministers of the gospel, we want power and life to flow out of the Holy Book. How do we allow the living Word to flow in and through us as we live, lead, and disciple in a biblically illiterate world? In this workshop, we will discuss the life of Jesus and important biblical principles that will help us make practical applications to know, grow, and sow using the power of the Word for lasting impact in our everyday lives.

Maximize Your Resilience With Rest, Pace, and Margin
Mark Looyenga and Megan Colabrese (TDC)
Jesus was resilient! Even in the midst of tough circumstances, draining relationships, immense suffering, and imminent death, He had a knack for physical and spiritual recovery. As His beloved daughters and sons, He invites us into His lifestyle of resilience filled with rest, pace, and margin. This workshop will invite you to come, see, and practice these things in your life and ministry.

The Missionary Heart in All of Us: Pioneering Teams in the Advance of the Gospel
Brad Jonswold and Al Engler (Field Directors)
Together we’ll explore the practices and principles for laying gospel foundations in a new context (campus, military base, city, community, people group, or nation) through the use of case studies. This workshop will provide you with a tool utilized by pioneering teams as they plant the gospel in new locations.

Mobile Alongsiding – It’s Part of Our National Strategy, But How Do You Do It?
Bill Mowry and Vicki Gatchell
Mobile alongsiders minister next to everyday disciplemakers, strengthening and encouraging them to walk in the Great Commission where they live, work, or play. In this highly interactive workshop, we will explore the biblical vision of mobile alongsiders, discuss key practices of the alongsider ministry, and help you develop a personal plan to be a mobile alongsider.

Overflow: Practicing Everyday Discernment
Janine Young and Jo Newell (TDC)
What is discernment? Is discernment just a practical process for making big decisions? It is this, and yet so much more! God desires to walk with us moment by moment and make our path plain. This workshop will discuss key aspects of living a discerning life.

The Power of Innovation in Disciplemaking: Creating New Ways to Connect With People in Your Ministry Context
Bob Combs (D4L)
Do you feel like the same programs and methods you have been using for years do not have the same impact? Are you trying to figure out how to do things differently? If so, come hear how creative ministry ideas can help you have a greater outreach and deeper connections with those you minister to. You will hear examples from staff who have seen God use new, out-of-the-box ideas to increase their ministry effectiveness. There will also be time to begin to think about innovative ideas you want to implement in your own ministry context.

Prayer: Engaging in the Reality That We Are in the Presence of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit Always [also on Friday]
Vic Black
The more comprehensive truth is that this is much more than prayer. It is a lifestyle. We can live like we are actually always in God’s presence. We do not always operate with an awareness and connectedness to the truth and reality that we are constantly in the presence of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. If prayer can begin with us adjusting ourselves to this reality, our prayers can change dramatically. In prayer, we can focus on God and have a conversation from that point of view. Once we get our focus off ourselves and our issues, we can see more clearly with a true focus on God, Himself. We will “explore” some of the prayer mysteries that unlock a deeper relationship with God.

Taking the Long View: Discipleship in Historically Marginalized Communities
Laura Jenkins and Henry Bouma (D4L)
As we labor in diverse and beautiful communities, we see God’s fingerprints everywhere! However, the evidence of brokenness and injustice is also everywhere. Our friends’ painful stories are not being made beautiful! Oftentimes, restoration and healing take generations and are difficult to see and believe. How do we walk (and sometimes trudge) alongside our friends as the Lord transforms and heals at HIS pace? This workshop will help us build trust, rightly define our expectations, and encourage us in how we bring the promises of God into our own stories. How we define “success” in the oftentimes slow work of trusting God is crucial.